My Best Boy

Eight years ago we adopted Tommy at a local shelter. He had been left outside for 5 years, which broke my heart. After he was neutered he came home with us and spent the first evening laying by me on the floor, and he hasn't left my side since then. He has been a loyal, goofy guy who snuggled into my heart that first night, and will always be there. In the first few months he was very clear about wanting to sleep snuggled between my husband and I, on his back. Fortunately my husband liked the idea too, and that is where Tommy has slept every night for years.

He had to have an e-collar when he was neutered, but he made the best of it by using it to catch the ball! And when I tried to discipline him by using a spray bottle, he learned to catch the spray in his mouth,and thought I had come up with a great new game to play. He's made us laugh so much and feel loved in the way that only a VERY special dog can.

Jane Jones
Arvada, CO