My Budda Boo, Brodie Boy

In October 07, Brodie showed up in my yard. We have several cats that live around here and he looked so healthy. So I assumed he belong to some. He would come and go and I didn't think anything of it until February. He was crying in the yard and stepped outside only to realize he was very thin... he was hungry, very hungy. He would not come in the house, fearing my other cats. So I fed him outside for months while I looked for him owners through the shelter and posters. No one claimed him. One warm evening in June he walked into the house and never left. As I got know him, I realized how loving and sweet he is. I cannot understand how someone could have abandoned him or failed to look for him, but that's my blessing and their loss. He's the most wonderful animal I've ever had... He's such a blessing in my life!

Nantucket, MA