My Buddy

In April 2011, I was visiting my daughter. As I was leaving, a cat dashed up and started rubbing around my legs. He was skinny and had large red sores behind his ears. I was about to scoop him up and take him home, but my daughter said, "You can't just take someone's cat." So I knocked on a few doors, and one woman said, "Oh, he's just some old tom. We throw food out for him." I said I would take him to the vet. At the vet, he just loved everyone, he was so anxious to be loved. It turned out the sores behind his ears were because he scratched at them, as he had a bad case of ear mites. Most of his back teeth were bad and had to be removed. I just had to take him home after he was treated and neutered. You could see he was so grateful to have a home. He never wants to go outside again. Once I'd left the door ajar. He saw a squirrel and dashed out, took a quick look around and dashed back outside. A year later, a neighbor phoned and said, "You'd better rescue your cat." Buddy was by my side, as usual, but I went outside. There was a little kitten fighting off a Jack Russell terrier. I brought the little kitten inside, and Buddy immediately took over and became his big brother. I put up notices and asked around, but no one seemed to own this little kitten. The vet said he was about 2 months old. Buddy is very protective of him.
I hadn't planned to have more cats as I was afraid they would out live me, but 8 years later, we are all happy and healthy.

Valerie Paterson