My diabetic Pablito

It was 2001 when I wanted to adopt a dog, and searching on line I found Pablitos's photo and story at, well his name was "Spyke". He was my second option I had seen another chihuahua, but then the Pablito's foster parents told me to go to the adoption site in Holland,MI kind of far away from where I was living, That day early Sunday morning I woke up and thought: "I should go to check him out (when I had another dog in mind already), and after a long driving we got there, he was the most quiet and scared dog, and he jumped on me when I approached to him, since that moment I knew he was for me... in the meantime other foster moms where desperate following me to adopt their dogs and at the same time telling me that "Spyke was coming from a puppy mill and for sure he had many issues", but I didn't care, I just had eyes for "Spyke".
It's been 8 years since that day and he's still with me, Last year we noticed some changes in him and it ended being diabetes and the cushing's disease. It's been hard for us to handle all these issues but now we know how to live with it: two insulin shots every day and lysodrene tablets, a lot of monitoring, and blood tests but that is normal now in our life. He is doing great, goes with us every where, from regular parks to nice vacations in Mexico, he is just to fly with us and we are more than happy if he is feeling good
Adopting Pablito has been the best thing could happened to us and I don't regret the decision I made that Sunday of 2001. We Love Him!

Southfield, MI