My dog Blue

When I decided to get married a second time around I followed my husband to America. He was in the Army stationed at Fort Irwin CA at the time, and, being born in Germany, I needed a Visa to stay and work here. The paperwork took about 8 months, and during this time I was not allowed to work. After cleaning the house for the 5th time I got very bored and lonely. I looked through the local paper we got here on Post and I found a dog that looked like a wolf.

The Paper advertised him as his last chance before euthanizing would occur. My heart melted and I spoke with my husband that night. He said we have 2 kids, are you sure you want a dog? Yes, I am sure. I grew up with dogs and I have always worked with German Shepherds. When we looked at him at the Foster Parent's home we could not resist and so we took him home. Were we in for a surprise? He was a very aggressive dog who wanted to be the Alpha Male. We then found out that we would be his last home, he was already returned twice after he bit the other owners. The Military Police caught him in the desert after he was abused very badly from a Soldier. I was not about to give up and we worked a great deal with him. He helped me overcome so many different things living in a new country that I am very thankful he came into my life. He has helped me become a professional Dog Trainer and he is the best trained dog you can wish for. He is about 12 years old by now and still very spirited. He is my dog Blue.

Manuela Connatser
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA