My Dozer

This is my baby, Dozer. He is half pitbull, half rottweiler, and weighs in at 138 lbs. (ugh, yes, BIG BOY!)). My friend had both his Mom & Dad. His Mom, Mystery - rottweiler, was a pet, and his Dad, Midnight - black pitbull, was a show dog. He was a grand champion, an Ace, over 20 "1st place" wins. Well they stretched their chains (unknown to their owner) and Mystery got pregnant. No one was the wiser til she gave birth to three puppies and only one survived. The puppy wouldn't be able to be a show dog, as he was a mixed breed. So he was going to be sent to live on a farm in PA or he would be dropped off at a shelter, I couldn't have that. I went over the following week and he ran into the kitchen and slid across the floor like Bambi on ice, all four legs out. I fell in love with him right then and there, and at 6 1/2 weeks old, he came home with me. He has since had several medical issues, along with two knee replacements, but whatever it takes to keep my BEST FRIEND by my side, that's what I will do! He is 7 1/2 now and I couldn't love him more!!!

Barbara Blackman
Voorhees, NJ