My Golden Child

My husband and I went to eat pizza and then to the Home Depot for a few plants. On the way in, this little skinny yellow kitten ran up to me from the lawn mowers and jumped up on my leg. I told my husband I’d be in the truck waiting with my new baby!

I remember seeing blood on my pants from his little feet, which were bleeding from the hot July asphalt parking lot. He was so skinny, you could see his bones.

I posted everywhere to see if he was missing - no response. We took him to the vet and two years later, he still runs up to greet me when I get home, just like he did at the Home Depot! We couldn’t have children , but three rescue puppies and a, now, big yellow love kitty named “Mouser”, who I love to tell the dogs is my “Golden Child”

Angie Crawford