My Hero

Tiki ( a Flame Point ) came to me by my son who brought him home when he returned from British Columbia Canada. They flew out to Ontario when he was just 11 weeks old. I fell in love with him the second I took him out of his flight cage. He is the sweetest most loving animal one could have. He and his siblings were abbondoned out in BC and my son found homes for all of them except Tiki, who he knew had to come home with him. 4 years later this awesome friend saved my life. He is forever safe , loved and will never have a worry in his life! And we have an awesome cat we cherish and adore and yes spoil rotten! About a year ago we got him a friend, a seal point siamese who was resucued from a kitten mill and now Tiki is happy as anything because he has a buddy he adores and they are best friends. Rat ( the new one ) keeps Tiki fit and happy and us laughing at thier antics

K. Boudreau
Cornwall, Canada