My Jardine Parrot Sam turned out to be my Hero & Guardian Angel

I'd like to submit my Jardine Parrot Sam as my animal hero and Guardian Angel. I'm a breast cancer survivor and without him I wouldn't have made it through all the tough times that were ahead of me. Sam gave me a reason to get up everyday, even when all I wanted to do was pull the covers up over my head and stay in bed. When ever I was scheduled for surgery or a difficult procedure I would think of him and know I had the strength to get through it. I always looked forward to coming home and having him cuddle up on my chest, right over my heart... that was my favorite thing. He has given me such unconditional love and given me the strength to get through what I thought was the most difficult time in my life. The most difficult time though was still awaiting me, I lost Sam in May of 2008 during a medical procedure. My animal hero has now passed over the Rainbow Bridge but I still feel the comfort of his wings wrapping around me when I need him.

Donna Smith
Taunton, MA