My Keely Girl

My first girl Toiya was lost to kidney disease after sharing my life for a wonderful 11 and a half years. We grew up together, turned 14 in the same year and at 24 years of age I had to say goodbye to my best friend. Walking with no dog made no sense, not being able to feel a soft head resting by my knee or a reassuring paw on my knee was gut wrenching - I knew I needed to find another friend to share my life with. Keely was in the pound for 1 month before I met her, a gorgeous tan kelpie cross given away at 6 months for being 'too active.' I visited her every weekend for 3 weeks, the 2nd weekend she stole my heart by placing her paw in my hand very gently, the 3rd weekend I came to take her home, where she has been ever since. She turns 3 in December, same date as my mother's birthday, has a little 1 and a half yr old Husky whose her best friend to mother and play with, loves swimming in the dam, chasing tennis balls and sleeping stretched across the back seat after our many outings to the beach and farm. She is simply the best.

Leonore Carter
Sydney, Australia