My "KFC" Kitty!

I saw him scamper from the front of the restaurant towards the back. A
swoosh of orange and white. A small swoosh at that. I followed and up a
tree he went. I told him I would be right back with some chicken for him,
but when I came out, of course he was gone.

I returned later that day with a trap borrowed from a friend who does
animal rescue. After setting it with some delectable tuna, I left. I spent
a few hours wondering if I would be successful, and to my delight, he
was indeed inside when I came back just before dark.

He was named Biscuit, after first trying "nugget" on for size. He has come
a long way from the scared kitten he first was, and will let me pet him and
we are learning to like a comb too! He loves playing with another of our
strays - they chase each other back and forth and up and down! What a face!

Sarasota, FL