My kids

My girl Lola (the white one) and boy Buddha (the tan one), were both rescued. Buddha was taken from a guy who decided he couldnt hide him in his appartment anymore when he started getting big at a couple months old. The previous owner was on his way out to a secluded area to shoot him instead of looking for him a home. When he stopped for gas on the way my boyfriend commented on how beautiful Buddha was and claimed he would love to have him. Buddha got in my boyfriends truck not knowing what he was just saved from. A couple months later my boyfriend heard from a friend about Lola. She was only a few weeks old but the owner was planning to use her as a bait dog to train other pitbulls to kill when she got a older. My boyfriend immediately paid the guy for her when he heard the news. They both were given to me as gifts, and are now spoiled rotten, couch hogs. The two absolutely love each other and are obviously very upset when the other is not around. They are such goofballs, and I love them so much. I can't believe people were going to treat them so terribly. Those people don't understand what they gave up.

Knoxville, TN