my Lexie

I got a call from the Italian Greyhound rescue, (I had rescued another one before) and they said that there was a dog listed for sale that was in Orlando. The wanted to know if I would go get it. I agreed to do so.

I went the the woman's home to get it and knocked on the door. She went to get the dog out of a closet. She stated she was hiding it and secretly put the ad for it to save it. She stated that her son was going to feed it to a snake! I paid the $300 and took it home. I already had Gracie, an IG I had purchased, and two rescues from the breeder that people had returned. I named her Lexie.

She hid under my bed for a week, and finally Sophie, one of my IGs, came in there to sit under the bed and comfort her. Sophie was brought to my home by someone that had purchased her to get his marriage back together. It did not work. So the breeder called and I said I would take her. In the meantime my dog I had bought Gracie had a broken leg.

So when they brought Sophie to the door, I said yes I want her, but can you keep her about a week until Gracie is better. The lady said ok. Well, I live in the woods and have a long driveway and when they drove off, Sophie at the end of the driveway leaped out of the drivers side window, ran to my door, and scratched on it. She was mine from that moment on.

She was the sweetest and kindest dog ever. It is no surprise the way she comforted Lexie. They became besties and were always together.

This summer Sophie, about 15, finally passed away. So difficult to see her leave us. That was last summer, and Gracie, also very old, passed. I had them from when they were young. So that left Lexie all alone. She does not like to eat, she is sad and misses Sophie so much.

Also before that I had lost Mia who I also rescued through the breeder. I actually had also, before Lexie, rescued Minnie. For several years I had 5 beautiful and wonderful IGs. Now I just have Lexie and she is so sad and needs a friend. Mine were all females, and they all slept with me every night.

My care credit bill at the end was over 10 thousand dollars. They all had great care. Lexie now snuggles with Sophie's old toy she loved. She is still very sad. I am just thankful she was never ever fed to a snake.

I have been looking for a small IG female to help Lexie have a friend. I have been unable to find one unless I have 4 thousand dollars to purchase one. I also would not feel right not taking a rescue. Minnie, the other rescue I had, eventually became blind but was very happy anyway. She came from the Brevard County IG rescue. That is the story of my 5 IG rescues, Lexie and I are both lonely and miss your family.

I have amazing pictures of all of them sitting on their favorite place...a shelf on my bay window in the kitchen where i had dog beds. They were all small and had many toys and I have a fenced dog park in the year they loved.

Anne Rufiange