My Life..

Hershey Sue was rescued by me and my boyfriend last February [2008]. We took a trip to my home town and shortly learned that a guy who had years before done time for animal cruelty had puppies on his hands. We took a drive to where he lived and couldnt believe the living situations those 8 week old puppies were living in. Out of the six puppies the mom had, 2 were left. We immediately found one of them, and could not find the other. After hours of searching we finally found this small little gorgeous puppy under a cardboard box, in a chicken coop, with mudd, poop and snow all around. I cried. And as I cried I held them both and took them home. I kept the one we found in the chicken coop who is in the picture and gave the other one to my parents whose name is now Roxi Mae. They are both so loving and sweet. I am so thankful that I got the chance to take them both to loving families and homes.
Hershey is my life, my daughter, my world. I'd do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. Thank you to everyone who is out there that does the same for their pets. I cried reading all of the stories on here. It such a warm feeling to know there are good people out in this world that love and care for animals as I do. I just wish I had more money to help out more animals. =D Thanks again. I love reading all these stories.

Henderson, NV