My little Kitten

I live in an apartment and one night my two cats were sitting at the patio door and they were just staring at something. I was so curious that I peeked out the door and there was this little bundle of black and white fur running back and forth in front of the door jumping up on her hind legs and acting like she was going to attack the two who were staring at her. I sat down and watched this for over an hour. My cats enjoyed it to. I assumed she was a neighbors cat and didn't bother to go out the door to her. The next day when I came home from work there she was again just playing with them and having a great time. She saw me standing there just laughing and she walked over to me and just looked up at me. I went to pick her up and could tell that she was scared of my hand. I later found out that my neighbors had abused her and then thrown her out of the apartment without any food or water. She had been out there for over a week and even with the abuse and lack of food she was still wanting to play. I picked her up and I could feel her tremble all over but she allowed me to do it. I brought her inside and she immediately took up with my other babies and became a loving part of our family. I thank God everyday that he saw fit to bring her to our door.

Kim Hall
Morrow, GA