My little Maggie May

I picked Maggie from a litter of pups because she looked so tiny and her eyes said she needed a home. When I got her she was 8 weeks old and only 4 lbs. She had caught some kind of parasite in the kennel and for the first couple of months that we had her everything she ate went through her. I am glad that it was us that adopted her because i worry that anyone else would not have given her the care she needed. After many prescription and vet visits and trying different foods we finally got rid of the parasites and Maggie started to gain weight. The breeder told us that we could return her if their were any health problems but that was never an option with us. Maggie is family and we were willing to do anything it took to make her healthy. Today Maggie is one year old and a very healthy 50 lbs, she sleeps with us and travels with us everywhere we go. Maggie has been all across the US, she has seen the Grand Canyon and walked the streets of Tombstone. She loved the dog beaches in California and now makes her home in Ontario Canada. Maggie attracts people everywhere she goes and loves all animals and she adores children. she has never shown any aggression and she is more like a toddler then a pup. She loves to visit family and has many aunts and uncles and cousins that love to have her visit. I love Maggie very much and hate to be away from her, she showers me with love and kisses and I give it right back too her. How could you not.

Huntsville, Canada