My little man. Pepsi.

I lost my dog Justice. Came home to an empty house. I had to get another dog. So I went to the shelter not far from where I worked.

I walked in, and this little dog started barking and barking. I said to him let me see what else is here. So I walked down but didn't see anything. So I went back to this little dog. He seemed friendly enough. So I went to the counter with cage number.

They said don't get your hopes up. He didn't go with the last two families that picked him. I said he's going with me. If he didn't go with me he was going to be euthanized.

There was only one person he allowed in his cage. They called this person, we did a meet and greet. Everything went well. He had to be fixed I could pick him up in a couple of days. One thing they told me. He hated men. Whoever had this dog tortured him.

Got him home, everything was great until people came by. I then saw the other side of Pepsi. And it didn't get any better. The grandkids came. He went on the attack. Now what do I do? I wasn't giving him up.

So I checked around, then made the call. Sit means sit. They came out, worked with Pepsi. He became a new dog. He was always good with me. I loved this dog. I could walk him with no leash. He was my little man. One of the best dogs I ever had.

Later he had a slipped disc. It was some time and a lot of work for him to walk again. We got there. Then we found out he had cancer. Given 2 to 6 months to live. He made it 4 months.

I came home one day, Pepsi had packed up things he was taking with him. His blanket, leash, training collar, he hadn't wore in years with remote, and my clydesdale t-shirt. I knew it was time. I was so so grateful to have had him. I miss him every day.

Elaine Pinson