My little rat terrier baby

In December 2019, I had to have my 13 yr old poodle put down because he had congestive heart failure. That was an extremely sad day. I came home & cried for weeks.

After not having a dog for 6 months, I begged my husband for us to go to the pound & see what they had. They brought out one little 12 lb black & white rat terrier. They told us she was an Australian shepherd. I wasnt too keen on a dog that sheds after having a poodle for years, but my husband was smitten & we took her home.

Off to the vet the next week for her rabies shot. They also told us she was an Australian shepherd. No way did she look like one. All we knew was that a man brought her to the pound & she'd been there 3 days. She cowered when we went to pet her & there were other signs she'd been abused.

I came home & looked on the internet to discover she is a rat terrier. She is the most submissive & loving dog I've ever had. Not a mean bone in her little body. We've now had her for 1 year & she's adjusted beautifully & is now house trained & very playful. We're so glad we got her, shedding hair & all. She's such a joy.
