My Lucky Day!

One evening I was driving home from work on a rather busy country road and noticed a small "face" peering at me from the narrow shoulder. I stopped my car immediately (in the middle of the road) and jumped out. What I found on the side of the road was an emaciated, naked, flea ridden little cat. I scooped him up and wisked him home with me. I put him in a warm, safe place away from my other animals and gave him water and lots of food. I then took him to my vet in the morning and asked her to examine him and do what she could, totally expecting that he would not survive for long. My vet called me later that day and said "There is nothing wrong with this kitty, except that he is starving, has fleas and is very old." I took him home and named him Rusty because when his hair grew back he was a wonderful medium hair orange tabby. Rusty turned out to be the delight of my life! He had the most endearing personality and everyone that met him, fell in love with him! Because of his age and frailty, I knew that we would not have long together, but he was my constant companion, following me around the house and sleeping with me every night, usually on my head. We we lucky enough to have Rusty in our lives for 2 and a half years and the world . . . at least my world, is a better place because of him. My husband and I both miss him very much, but his gratefulness and the unconditional love he gave to us has touched our hearts forever. Thank you, Rusty.

Lynn Law
Oregon City, OR