My Majestic Cat

Actually I think Tommy rescued himself! Twelve years ago I used to chase a lovely cat from my garden who used to come to fight with my daughter's cat and steal his dinner. This cat obviously was not in need of a meal. Since I first met Tommy, he has never been less than 8kg but normally he is 9kg.

About 12 months after I first saw Tommy, he arrived in our garden where he sat outside my bedroom and cried, and cried most pitifully. It was 10 days before I decided that perhaps he had belonged to an elderly person and that this person was no longer around. I then decided to feed him. After exhausted enquiries we found his previous owner, who had moved to live in a different town. They informed us that they had never wanted him and had abandoned him on purpose. Further information from local residents indicated that in fact he had been cruelly treated.

He has been a wonderful addition to our family. He tolerates the unwanted attention of visiting young children, dogs, puppies and kittens.

He follows me around and sits beside me and just sits and watches whatever I am doing with his soft loving eyes.

Eighteen months ago I brought home another kitten that was seeking a home. Misty has pestered and tormented my Tommy, but he is always so gentle with her and sometimes she even entices this poor old man to play.

Tommy is a much loved, majestic old man now and I treasure every day that I am able to call him mine.

Janet Kieran
Port Stephens, Australia