My Mimi

Mimi was rescued off the post-Katrina streets of New Orleans by ARNO (Animal Rescue New Orleans) and Best Friends Animal Society approximately four months after the hurricane. It was probably during those first chaotic months that she contracted both Feline AIDS and Feline Leukemia. When I volunteered with Best Friends in January 2006, I met Mimi and immediately fell in love. I knew I had to adopt her and give her the best life possible even though the prognosis for FeLV cats is grim, with a 2-3 year life expectancy. Having this wonderful cat in my life was the greatest gift ever! Mimi loved to snuggle and be held. She was affectionate, funny and playful. She fought her illnesses bravely. Mimi took a large piece of my heart with her when she passed away in April 2008 due to a bladder tumor as a result of the Feline Leukemia. I have eleven other cats whom I love dearly, but Mimi will remain the ultimate love of my life.

Dallas, TX