My Molly

So far my family as rescued 4 basset hounds. We love each one to death! One in particular stole my heart. Her name was Molly. We adopted her when she was 4 years old. She was found as a stray in newark nj. She was malnurished and had visible sings of abuse. The worst sign was a wire cut that was wrapped around her jaw. She was very scared and very shy when I first me her.
It was love at first sight with her. Like most adoptions it was going to take days before we could bring her home. So I went to the shelter every day to walk her and play with her, she became so comfortable with me. The volunteers at the shelter said she would do nothing but cry when I left until I would come back the next day. Finally one day when I went up to visit her, they said I could take her home that day! She was so excited and scared at the same time. Ever since that first day I met her she was attached to me, she loved my whole family but I was her mommy. We gave her the best life we could, she was one spoiled pork chop of a basset lol. She was with us for 4-5 years. We finally had to put her down because she had cancer. She had a tumor the size of a softball on her hip. There was nothing we could do for her. That was the most traumatic day of my life, to this day I still think of her daily and miss her so much. I have always loved animals, but never knew that one could steal your heart the way that Molly stole mine.

Andrea Skahill
Bath, PA