My Princess Blue Eyes

We adopted our beautiful Bengal Snow cat who we named Abby (after Abby in NCIS) on the 3rd February 2008 from a private rescue home here in my hometown of Sheffield, England. This all came about after we had to have our beloved cat Chippy who was almost 18 years old put to sleep 4 days before Christmas 2007 he too was a rescue cat.

We said that we wanted another cat but would wait until the summer time to give us chance to get over losing Chippy however that went out of the window & we lasted all of 6 weeks before going to get another cat, the house was so empty & seemed so silent, the minute i saw Abby's eyes i just fell in love with her. She loves to play & is so happy with the middle out of a sticking tape roll she will play with it for hours & if there is any mischief to get into Abby will get into it.

She is coming on lovely shewas all skin & bones when we first got her but now she's filled out nicely & we love her to bits.

Bev Flude
Sheffield, United Kingdom