my Rascal

14 years ago my mom and stepdad were living with me. She was disabled and in a wheelchair, he had been diagnosed with dementia. A few years before, I had put my snowman to sleep due to leukemia and wanted no more kitties, too much pain... when to my dismay I opened my door and there was a small orange ball of fur. My dad had always loved cats. I looked at him and said, you li'l rascal, so that ended up being his name. That day began our journey. 2 months later my dad passed away. Rascal never left his side, even slept on his side of bed for months after my dad passed away. 3 years later my mom passed and it has been just the two of us. He is my support, his love is never ending; if I go on vacation he goes too or I don't go. I love him and he loves me right back. Best day ever for the 4 of us that day when a little Rascal found us.
