My Romeo

During summer break from college, I worked at a pet store across the state. One day a woman brought in a tiny fluffy kitten who she'd found on the street. The store was apprehensive to try to sell him, because after an initial vet visit, we discovered he had an enormous inguinal hernia. I felt bad for him, and would take him out of his kennel to play with him after the store was closed. Right from the start, he was a cuddler. He loved my curly hair, and would snuggle up close to my face to touch and play with my hair, purring like crazy. I immediately fell in love, and knew his name would be Romeo - my little lover kitty :) I hadn't been planning on getting a cat, or any new pet, anytime soon but I knew in my heart he was meant to be part of my family. I repaid the store for his initial vet bill and brought him back for his hernia repair surgery and neuter. The store let me keep him there while I worked off the rest of the summer, then he made the 300+ mile drive with me across the state back to school. Years later, every night he cuddles with me, playing with my hair and purring as we both fall asleep. He brightens my day, each and every day; my Romeo is my little blessing :)

Pullman, WA