My Sally Ally

This is Sally Ally, the love of our home!!! 2 years ago she was rescued from a puppy mill along with several other Scotties. She had been there for over 6 years and probably had never seen the outside.

She sat on my lap all he way to the Vet that day. I will never forget, she was shaking, and so scared. I looked into her eyes and knew that after her check-up and getting her her all fixed that she was coming home with me. I told my husband about her when I got home. Sure enough,I adopted her 3 weeks later, she is such a happy little girl and she makes me so happy. She now sleeps in a king bed instead of a cage. She has so much love to give and we have so much love to give her, just look at that beautiful face!!

Liz Fredo
Mansfield, TX