Never Give Up

I adopted Daisey from a foster who takes on the "tougher ones" as a last chance to a new home.
Daisey acclimated pretty well to her other two "sisters" (also rescues).
Daisey was approx 3 when we got her. She had been adopted from the local rescue more than once, only to be returned. All the shelter could tell me, was that she had a rough life.
It took her 3 years to FINALLY accept and trust us humans. She didn't like to be touched, and CERTAINLY never picked up. I friended her on HER terms. Whenever I attempted to pet her, I closely watched her body language and backed off IMMEDIATELY if she seemed skittish. Eventually she allowed touch. Then, I wanted to show her the joy of laps. It took another whole year to finally come sit NEXT to me, but not my lap - not yet. Over this past year, using the same patience, I have finally got her to come to my lap, but now she even lets me brush her!!! Cutting her nails is out of the question, but I hope to work into that as well as they need to be trimmed, despite destroying her sisel scratchers 3 times over!
We love her and she loves us. I think she finally believes that she's in her forever home!

Rose-Marie Vieira