Not a "cat person"

When I first moved to this area, I was warned that there was a "cat problem." I discovered that, while there were dozens of cats around being fed by a lady living down the street, only one of the strays came by to visit me. I started feeding it out on the porch. I knew nothing about cats. I didn't know that it was a tortie or that it was female. At least, not until it snuck into the house and had kittens in my bedroom.

If I had known the path she was leading me on, I probably would have objected. But she was patient with me and didn't do it all at once. I was led into the world of TNVR.

In the years since then, I've found homes for 7, 2 have died and my colony has grown to 13 inside - outside cats. All spayed, neutered and fully vaccinated. But the story hasn't stopped yet.

All of these cats are strays that were either abandoned or dumped but there are still several ferals around and I recently bought a trap, I'm still trying to learn how to use it. And all because of a (now) 10 year old cat named Put-put.

Clifford Bailey