Not the 10 year old girl I planned to get.

I lost both of my Shelties suddenly in 2019 and said no more animals. After about 2 weeks the house was so empty. I decided to get a cat. I hadn't had a kitty for several years after my last cat died at age 19. He had been thrown away by a neighbor and ended up with me. I saw a 10 year old kitty on the Another Chance Cat Rescue in Sanford ME. They were having an open house so I went over to see what she was like. I had planned to go back the following Saturday to pick her up. The rescue called me to tell me she had medical issues and was not available for adoption. They told me they had an 6 +- year male Maine Coon cat. He had been abandoned with 2 other cats and 2 dogs. These horrible people had left them locked in a room of their apartment when they moved out. They were there without food or water until the landlord found them. He had been adopted by a woman and brought back, she said he wasn't friendly and hid for 3 days. I decided to take him home, I do have to say I wasn't sure, he would not respond to me when I talked to him. I brought him home and let him out of the carrier. He slinked out and went upstairs. I left him alone to explore, about 45 minutes later he jumped up in my lap. This is where he is most of the time. I finally figured out why he didn't respond to me, he is deaf. When I come home if he is asleep I have to go up to him and gently touch him. He is very vocal and extremely loving. He isn't the year old female I planned to get, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. They named him Dundee and I kept it.
