My first family must not have liked me, or they liked their furniture more than me. They had me declawed and then liked me even less, probably because of behavioral issues. I didn't trust them for doing such a thing to me. I wondered why they adopted me in the first place.

Then they moved away and left me behind. Just left me to fend for myself, declawed. A nice lady in the neighborhood started feeding me. But my only defense against other cats was biting. I had learned not to trust people, so I only let her pet me briefly. She didn't know I was declawed.

Someone looking for a lost cat in my area came across me and thought I had been dumped. She contacted a lady who came and catnapped me. This lady didn't realize I was being cared for until she posted my photo on social media. A friend of my caretaker recognized me, and the catnapper was busted! I will refer to her as Mom now because she adopted me with with the caretaker's approval.

Mom took me to the vet and my coat was so bad, I had to be shaved. They did bloodwork and discovered I had kidney disease. My previous caretaker judged my age to be about 15.

Mom makes my food, which is a recipe for cats with kidney disease. I have my own room and run of the house. Sadly, there are other cats and I learned early on not to let my guard down, so we don't get along.

I follow Mom around and nip at her ankles when I'm hungry. She thinks it's funny and has never gotten mad. When it was warm, I could go through a pet door in the window and bask in the sun in an enclosed area. I have to say after ten months here, I like having a warm bed, warm meals when I ask Mom, and being accepted for who I am. I know when my time comes Mom will not let me suffer.

Millie Reddig