One cold winter... we got a surprise. God blessed us again

One cold day, we spotted a stray cat outside our house. My mom's client actually spotted it first, so my mom said to open the door to see if he would come in to eat. When I did, he came right in and got to eat the food. So cool.

He's been living with us for about a few years now. I named him Cinnamon because his fur is the color of cinnamon. He does have some black and white in him, as well.

Before he came to stay with us, I took in another who needed a home. His name was Jack. We kept him in our home for a while, just so he could get use to being in our home. He had been abandoned outside my mom's workplace, so he'd never been inside anywhere. I dont think he felt safe. Its so sad.

He looked like he was abused. They bobbed off his tail some or maybe he went to the vet and they had to remove it. I dont know because he was our cat until we took him in, and we did eventually let him go outside. Then, we had two dogs, Boo Boo and Kitty, who have both passed on now, 10 months apart. Sad story, too.

Anyway, Jack ended up really sick & got out & died somewhere. We never saw him again, so God sent us Cinnamon. He can be a butt at times, but we all love him, including my mom's clients. By the way, my mom is a RN Nurse/massage person.
