In January of 2007, stepping outside on to our back deck on a very cold New England night, we heard the faint meow of a cat and then within seconds, there she stood before us. She was such a nice cat which lead us to believe she was used to people, so was either lost or abandoned. We already had a cat that was eleven and weren't prepared for another, but I made a nice warm shelter for her on our deck and gave her food and water. She stayed there for a couple nights but when we learned it was going to be below zero for the next couple of nights, we decided to take her in to our finished basement. We made posters of the cat and hung them for miles around and even put an add in the paper. I brought her to the vet to make sure she was okay because she had a big lump on her side. She ended up getting spayed, getting all her shots and having the lump removed. We received a few calls on her but they lead nowhere. After a couple of months, I came to terms that she was now ours. We became attached quickly, named her Lady and now 2 years later, she is part of our family, very spoiled and very loved, just like she should be! I'm glad her path led to us! Our eleven year old cat Suzie was rescued by me as well when she was just 6 months old. My girls are very special!

Glastonbury, CT