Our Christmas puppy!

This little guy was abandoned in our neighborhood some time around Christmas. We first saw him running down the street and thought it was someone’s pup who had gotten out. A week or so later, we saw him again on the bridge behind our house near the creek and woods.

After several tries at catching him, we went and bought a large live animal trap. He was so starved, cold, and dirty. We were successful and brought him inside to feed him and clean him up. We took him to the vet and got him checked over, and the vet thought he was about 6 month old.

He was very fearful especially of men. He had been neutered and groomed. It was determined that he was probably a Maltipoo. We put up posters, checked with vets for someone who was missing a puppy, but with no results.

He came at a time when our Yorkie was terminally ill and passed soon in January. We felt like he was a Christmas gift sent to ease the passing of our other pup. We love him to pieces!

Peggy Schuler