Our clown kitty

Tucker was dropped off at a week old (along with three other kittens)at the humane society where I was working about two years ago. Another vet technician and I took turns fostering them... bottle feeding and tube feeding. Unfortunately, two of the babies didn't make it, but Tucker and his sister (she was adopted by a wonderful family) were fighters! Tucker had a bad infection in his left eye which left him blind, but hasn't slowed him down a bit! His favorite toys are a plastic bag, a Q-tip and a clothespin. When he wants to be petted, he'll reach out and grab your hand with his paw and pull it to him. He has brought such joy to our lives. He keeps us laughing at his silly antics, and keeps us completely captivated by how sweet and loving he is. Our home would be much more empty without this little guy to share it with us.

Joan Bailey
Gilby, ND