Our Joey Mauer Story

I contacted Pet Haven, a wonderful local rescue organization, looking for a sheltie-mix puppy. I was told about a puppy that had just been rescued from a farm over-run with dogs. The puppy (now named Joey Mauer) was in transit, so they had very little information to share. He was just a few months old and had been very, very dirty. They thought he had a solid black coat until a couple of baths revealed his true beauty. Apparently, the owner of the property was a hoarder and had recently passed away. Leaving the dogs to fend for themselves, most of the puppies did not survive the ordeal. Luckily, Joey recovered from a slight case of mange and a respiratory infection. Over the last two years he has graduated from a couple training courses, becoming a more confident dog because of it. Joey is still very timid around other people. However, he has become a very playful, spoiled, and loved family member.

Beth McDermott
Apple Valley, MN