Our Precious Puppy

Six months after losing my 16-year old silky, China, to cancer, I got an urgent call from a friend who knew I needed and was ready to adopt a new companion. While mourning China's death, I had a growing and pressing concern for all the animals needing homes and lots of love to make up for their suffering. Here was a chance to save a valuable life and fill that hole in my heart. Scooter had one more day to live so I sent my new human, Jack, down to the Humane Society to see Scooter and the other inmates. My caller said Scooter was exactly what I needed, and to hurry.
Scooter picked Jack right away. Laying on the floor with his nose pushed through the door, and sad eyes staring at Jack, Scooter wagged his tail and licked Jack's hand. Jack said he seemed to be saying, "Please mister, pick me!" Jack walked on to but couldn't get that beautiful sad-eyed dog out of his mind. Looking back at Scooter's nose poking through the bottom of his cage, Jack turned back. Scooter cried out. Seeing Scooter woofing, wriggling and furiously wagging his tail, Jack fell in love on the spot. When Jack picked me up at work, I could see two heads in the rear window, one with huge furry ears. We've had our wonderful, loving, loveable and talkative character, "Scooter puppy," for 11 of his 12 years, and when we lose our home, Scooter will stay with his human parents, whatever happens. He is our real treasure and we'll guard him with our love as long as he lives. Nothing is as valuable as our loving and faithful companions.

Tali Stern
San Diego, CA