Our Sophie

I finally talked my husband, Bob, into agreeing to getting a dog. We travel fulltime for work and live in an RV 5th wheel. So, while we were in Biloxi, MS, after Hurrican Katrina, i visited the Humane Society to check out the animals they had. They'd just gotten a stray Shih-Tzu, female, about 8 months old. She was in horrible shape, skinny, matted, and full of fleas. Bob wanted to go see her, and commented how pathetic she was. He asked me why i didn't get a "real" dog, (you know, a "man's" dog). I wanted her, cause when she looked at me with those big eyes, i couldn't resist. So, we brought her home. I made her a fleece coat because she was pretty much hairless at the time and it was January. Sophie has been the best dog anyone could ask for. She is the most loving little girl. When Bob comes home from work, she greets him at the door dancing around. He has to pick her up, and she gives kisses all over his face. She doesn't do that to me, just her Daddy. Sophie is in one of our laps when we are sitting and loves to ride in the car or truck with us. Mention the words GO or RIDE and she beats you to the door.

Sophie was born without a socket in her right hip. The vet said it was a birth defect. The only thing holding her leg in place are the tendons and muscles. So, we try to keep her from jumping off things or up on things too high. She walks fine, you would never know she had a handicap.

This little girl has brought so much love into our home.

Janie Jones
Cleveland, TN