Our sweet Dixie

It was a very cold night in January, when my husband was at work. He was dumping the trash and heard a faint tiny cry. He said at first it sounded like a newborn baby but in a distance. He lifted the dumpster lid only to find the smallest kitten. Of course he brought her home and gave her a bath she was filthy. The next day he took her to the vet. The vet almost gave up hope because she had worms, covered in fleas, and would not eat. The vet treated her worms (3x) that is how terrible the worms were. My husband bathed the sweet gray long haired kitten in dawn dish soap and picked the fleas off one by one. Apparently, she was so young she could not have a true flea treatment. My husband also bottle fed her every 2 hours. This all took place before we were married. He named her Dixie because when he saw her in the dumpster she was laying in a Dixie cup. Our beautiful girl turned 20 years old in January. She really only likes me and my husband, which is fine. She is extremely healthy for an old girl. She occasionally has accidents out side her litter box but it’s ok. I will forever take care of her and keep her comfortable. Dixie has been by my side through a miscarriage and a knee surgery.. through adopting our children through many surprise birthday parties and so many memories... she always knows when I need her... (which is mostly all the time). I am preparing my family (especially my husband) that Dixie will not be with us much longer but that we will need to treasure each day she has left.
