
While driving past a crumpled "road kill" kitten that was in the left turning lane of a busy highway, I saw one little paw twitch. Even though I knew from all the blood in the road & on the kitten, it was dead, I still pulled onto the middle grass median to make sure. Unbelievably it was still breathing. I immediately scooped it up & rushed this little 6 week old kitten to my vet. After several days of medical attention, that included nothing more serious than stitching the skin on her bottom jaw back in place & watching her closely for any type of brain trauma, 'Feenie' (short for Phoenix because she rose from the ashes for a second chance at life) has been a wonderful addition. She was immediately accepted by my 5 other neighborhood rescue cats, especially Turq who had not gotten over the death of his buddy Marmie who had been killed by dogs several months earlier. Feenie has brought out the kitten in them all & now that Turq has a new buddy he's like his old self again!!

Brunswick, GA