Poppy, the True Story of a Baby Bird Rescued at the AIrport

On a beautiful spring morning, a baby bird looks for his mother, ready for a yummy, buggy breakfast. He anxiously hops up and down, opening and closing his beak. He tumbles out of the warm nest onto the roof of a jetbridge at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. He then falls through a crack and down to the cold hard floor, ten feet below.
Lisa, a flight attendant, comes along to work her flight. She is shocked to find a tiny baby bird, his eyes not even open, begging for food. After a ramp worker tells her to just 'throw that thing in the trash,' Lisa scoops up the pitiful baby and takes it with her on her work schedule. The Captain and the rest of the crew name him 'Poppy,' because of his hopping and popping up and down.
Poppy, the bird, flies all across the United States for three day and 'earns his wings,' ironically, without even a single adult feather.
Because Poppy is a starling, the rehab center rejects him, so Lisa takes him home with her. Poppy learns to talk, whistle and sing at just 4 months old and astounds everyone with his birdie intelligence.
Poppy is now almost 5 years old (this May 21) and has become a Super Star-ling! He has his own website, poppythebird.com where you can watch him whistle 'Dixie' and 'Mozart' and even leave him a 'tweet' or email. If you would like to read more about Poppy's complete story, it is available on Amazon.com as a Kindle / Iphone Book. Poppy also has a children's picture book, 'How Poppy Gets His Wings,' which is awaiting publishing.

Lisa Fiori Dragonetti
Tampa, FL