Precious Cefa

This is my precious Cefa who we put to sleep over Easter. She belonged to a family who had 4 children, 3dogs, chickens and other cats. When I moved in next door she decided she needed rescuing and she moved in taking over my heart and my home! She was a true diva, believing that the world revolved around her and that that was natural order of life! She was spoiled rotten but the love went both ways! She was just like a baby and loved to be held, nestling for as long as you'd let her, or until your arm fell off from numbness. I worked out before we took that final trip to the vet's. She was 13 or 14 years old and she lived each and every moment! It doesn't hurt less knowing that though! Latterly she became thinner but she was a rubenesque girl in her prime - my ex nicknamed her 'BargeArse' as she waddled when she walked. When I moved in with my Mum, Cefa took over as if she were simply relocating to her country home and made Mum's poor Maltese Shihtzu's life hell! He was terrified of her and she loved to lie in the middle of the hallway knowing that he'd be too scared to pass; or lie at the doggy-door so that he couldn't get in or out! She has left a hole in our hearts and her brother Hamish McPuss and Kimmie the M.S. keep looking for her. I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks since we had to make the terrible final decision - I pray animals go to heaven - and that God's got a good blood supply to his arms as my precious girl will be looking for her cuddles!

Teena Milton
South Lake Western Australia, Australia