Rescued from a billboard

My boy Oreo has a very good rescue story.

It all started one summer day 4 years ago just before Christmas. My parents and I were pokemoning at a small church next to this field of tall grass and weeds where they had a few billboards advertising local businesses. It was located off of this major highway.

Anyway, we were about to leave when we heard this noise. First sounded like a bird. We were gonna ignore it cause we thought it was just a bird but decided to investigate it and walked down this field. There was my boy up on this billboard scared and crying.

My dad went back got the truck and pulled the back gate up to the billboard he then got up and proceeded to get him down. Took some convincing as he was scared, but he finally got him down and put him in my arms and he purred right away. He wasn't that old.

We were thinking he might have gotten abandoned by someone, but no matter what happened, it wouldn't have survived up there much longer.

He's the best cat I've ever had and he thanks me everyday. I couldn't imagine my life without him as he's my boy and I love him. I believe we were made for each other.

Jessica Britton