Rescued from the highway

My husband would go out to a very busy road to visit his shade tree mechanic friend. One day he came home with a sad tale about this little tiny poodle someone had dumped. His friend was feeding her along with several other strays and each visit, my husband reminded me that this poor little dog was still there and it was just a matter of time before it got run over or poisoned. I would remind him that we had agreed, NO MORE PETS.

After three weeks of him telling me about this adorable little dog about to be run over by a semi or poisoned, I told him we would go get her. We found her with a large dog who protected her and my husband went over to the two of them, picked her up, wrapped her in an old towel and handed her to me in the car. She was quite happy to be plucked up out of that existence, but the other dog chased us for several blocks, barking all the time.

We brought her home and gave her three baths before we were sure of her color since she was covered in red dirt. I used tweezers to pick all the embedded stuff out of her tummy.

That was all five years ago. She rules this house. She is very smart, loves people and kids, was totally housebroken and takes my husband on walks twice a day. I sometimes hear him whispering to her and telling her how wonderful she is...I think I'm a bit jealous, but we are glad we got her. The other dogs out there were all poisoned soon after.

Fort Worth, TX