Rescuing Kimba

Kimba was brought to our home at the age of 2 weeks by a neighbor who found her outside her house. Kimba was dehydrated and malnourished but instantly responded to an eye dropper of bottled water. She had scrapes and sores on her tiny feet.

My husband and I both doubted that she would make it through the night, but while Jim held her I ran to the pet store to get kitten formula, nipples and bottles. We fed her every two hours 24/7 and she loved the formula. The next morning we took her to the vet for an exam. She weighed 2 ounces.

Because we had to travel that week she joined us in a tiny little pet carrier on the airplane.She has her own frequent flyer miles and she was a big hit with all the airline personnel!

She was mentored by Brindle, a male stray that we adopted about 6 months before Kimba arrived. Brindle taught Kimba the ropes from a feline perspective and protected her from the other cats. Eight months later Kimba is feisty and thriving and has been accepted by her big brother and sister cats.

Kimba is our greatest success story in the numerous cats we have rescued.

Carol Docker
Cape Coral, FL