Rescuing Merci

When we lost Zoey, our Wire Hair Fox Terrier of 8 years, we decided to look into rescuing a Wire and we had no idea what we were in for.

We found Merci who got her name after being rescued from a puppy mill in Nebraska, as she is "thankful" to have a forever home and enjoy just being loved for the beautiful dog she is.

Merci was born with Legg Perthies and had lived with her leg out of the socket most of her life on the mill. She was there for breeding purposes only. When she was found by Midwest Wire Hair Rescue, she and her mate were going to be killed as they could no longer produce full litters. Her only surviving pup of seven was there too. Midwest Wire Hair Rescue made a deal - it was all three or nothing.

Merci immediately had an operation on her hip to repair the bone deformity. She is in great shape now and finally pain free!

It's been baby steps for all of us. We taught Merci how to walk up steps and that it is ok to stand up while you eat, as she isn't in a cage anymore. Learning to be a dog is new to her, and we have the patience and the love to work with her for the rest of her life.

She has the sweetest, gentle disposition and just loves her tummy tickled. How anyone could have ever treated an animal so horribly is hard to imagine.

When we lost our Zoey, we were heartbroken, but something so wonderful came out of her death. It was rescuing Merci who rescued us back by needing us and loving us as much as we need and love her.

Joy Wronski
Plymouth, MN