Rocky The Hundred Dollar Dog

A couple of weeks Willie-Woo fell very ill. I took him to the emergency vet and the next day had him put to sleep. With the house being so quiet, I went to Safe Animal Shelter. The day I went it was closed, but since it had rained for days and no one had seen the dogs they let me go in. I walked straight down and to the left.

There was Rocky and another dog in the outside portion of the inside outside run. When he saw me, he started running to me. I don't know how they both got thru the hole, but they did. The closer to me, he started nudging the other dog as if to say “she’s mine.”

I inquired about adopting him but was told someone else was interested in him, and if the other dog liked Rocky she would be adopting him. I cried all the way home.

A few days later, on Saturday, I was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee when my phone rang. It was the shelter saying I could have Rocky. I asked what time they opened and was there. While I was filling out the papers and writing my $100 check, they let him out of the run and he ran right to me.

I took him to the vet the next week and the vet said to me, You got him from the shelter, and I said yes. I saw him the last time I was there and made up my mind if he was there again I would take him home. Isn't it cool he’s in our practice.”

Rocky is 13 yrs old now, I’ve had him 12 yrs. He has several health problems but I’m a retired RN and he lives in a furever home and is an only child. I was blessed to find him. He blessed me. Thank you Lord. I love you Rocky.

ILA Pandegirot