Rocky's Love For Us

We met Rocky through the Great Dane Rescue League of El Paso, TX. His 'other family' drove thousands of miles and decided they couldn't keep him. So, in a very unfamiliar place and now very unfamiliar people, Rocky's heart was broken and confused. He was also found to be very sick, but kept his happy little soul moving forward to everyone he met. Turns out Rocky was in need of "Happy Tail" surgery because his heart is so big, he cannot contain his excitement to be here with us. The Vet found a pretty serious underlying infection as well, so Rocky got the all the top notch care he deserved. Thank God he came to us! We are military and I get involved all over the country with various shelters. This rescue league is bar none, the greatest and hardest working group of big hearts that I've ever seen! This dog captured our hearts the minute our eyes met. He was like having a 120# puppy in the house! No manners were ever introduced to him. He is in training and is going to be ready for his 'Good Citizenship' approval. We will be forever in debt to this hard working organization who brought this remarkable animal our way!

Angela Pagotto
El Paso, TX