Rosie and Gibson

In September of 2003, our cat of 11 years - Francis - died after a long but non-suffering illness. We have always had a cat in our lives and by December, we knew we had to adopt a new kitten. We went to adoption day at PetsMart looking for a sweet kitten. My son was immediately drawn to a beautiful female Maine Coon mix about 9 months old. She was so sweet and immediately started licking his hand. Though my husband and I were sceptical of a more mature cat that had already had another human companion, we agreed. As we were walking out, I saw an orange and white male, 1 1/2 years old sitting so regally in his cage - nothing moving except his eyes following every person that walked by. As I looked into those eyes, I knew he had to come home with us.
So contrary to all reasonable thought, we adopted two older cats and brought them home. From the first moment, Rosie and Gibson became lifelong friends and watch over us and each other with loving hearts. We have since adopted 2 kittens and 3 other older cats. The kittens are fun and loving but the older cats not only demand attention, they give attention unconditionally and seem to appreciate it more because of their past - whether loved or unwanted. I recommend adoption of older cats to all my friends!

Cindy Cook
Macon, GA