Roxy's Story

Roxy was at a nearby cat rescue (in an elderly lady's home). She had a stroke and all kitties needed to be rehomed. Roxy was the last one. We had just lost our tiny 1.5 lb little girl after 1.5 years in our life. She had a deformed paw and was tossed away by her mama. We gave her a good home and were heartbroken when she passed. So... we decided to take in Roxy... we had no idea she was almost feral. She lived under a bed in our upstairs for several months, then moved to the main floor and lived under our couch for several more months. She would allow me to barely reach her to pet her, so we kept trying. Eventually she moved back upstairs and into our bedroom and lived under our bed. One morning about 5:00 am she jumped up on our bed and allowed us to 'just' reach her and pet her. She eventually got closer and let us pet her, but we were unable to pick her up, so just were happy with what she allowed us to do. We got her a bed and eventually she claimed it as her own, but we could not walk up to her and pet her. We lived with her on her own terms. Over the last few years she became deaf. I was then able to pick her up, and I started bringing her down to the family room. At first she would run back upstairs but eventually she started coming down on her own, and eventually she made the family room and the main floor her home. She has blossomed in these last 3 years, even coming up on my lap and allowing me to pick her up and pet her. She was worth the wait and we enjoyed what she gave us. Today we had to make the very sad decision to put her down. She lived 21 years, with the last three being the best gift to us. She will soon be a member of our kitty memorial next to our fireplace. :0) We love and miss you Roxy.

Carol Roddy