RV Park kitten

While we were vacationing at an RV Park, we befriended a beautiful calico kitten. She quickly learned to come around for a bite of left over eggs and bacon in the mornings, and a plate of broiled fish in the evenings. She'd finish her evening meal, make her rounds of appreciation and purrs, and fall fast asleep in someone's lap. After five days, it was time to pack up and go home. Our new friend had come around for her breakfast, but we hadn't seen her since. We got on the road a little saddened that we didn't get to say a proper goodbye.

After we arrived home, we did little more than park the RV and prepare for the next day before we both went to bed. Early the next morning, while I was having coffee on the front porch, I heard the fainted mewing. I got up and walked across the yard, following the sound. As I approached the RV, the mewing became loader. After a thorough search, I found the source of the mewing coming from one of the storage compartments. Apparently our little RV Park friend was pretty sure it was time for breakfast, and she really didn't care if it was served at the RV Park or this new place ... she was going to keep up her mewing until breakfast was served.

After breakfast, I called the RV Park to let them know that we had accidently brought their kitty home with us. The Park owners said they weren't aware of any kitten, but they took my name and number in case someone called saying they had lost their kitten.

That was over two years ago, and we can't imagine life without our little Pounce, the Princess.

Sandie Lee
Cat Spring, TX